How to do an Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak: Complete Guide

Behold! This Foot Indulgence Comes with Huge Benefits
Once again the pursuit of happiness means arming yourself against those troublesome aches, pains and maladies that can cost you your smile. There’s a very old saying that states, “When your feet hurt, you hurt all over”, and regardless of the reason, you’re here to do what you can to make it stop.
Knowledge is a powerful weapon, and will always be the best proactive defence against the multitude of assaults our fatigued little feet must endure. Why not take a moment to equip yourself with some really good remedies and routines that may actually help you (and your feet) get through the day.
Your foot bathing ritual should be a welcomed and very much anticipated part of your day. But before beginning a regular routine, it is good to know which ailments require which treatments. Most of the external and visual foot problems may result from toenail fungus, insect bites, dry skin and calluses. There is an Apple Cider Vinegar recipe and soaking time for each as follows.
Toe Nail Fungus
If you have a fungal infection, you probably know it. The toenail will be dry, crumbling and yellowish or discolored. The incredibly good news is that the properties contained in apple cider vinegar are antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial.
Step#1: Choosing Your Apple Cider Vinegar
- There are numerous types of vinegar made from various fruits, sugars and grains. For our specific needs we will investigate the properties of the vinegar produced by apples.
- The acidity of apple cider vinegar ranges from 4 – 8 percent giving it medicinal properties. This makes it the perfect choice for your foot bath.
Step#2: Correct Measurements
- ½ cup to 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to the amount of water in a typical foot bath tub.
- Submerge feet from 10-15 minutes
When shopping for Apple cider vinegar, there are numerous brands and varieties. The best results will come from a bottle that has the “mother” floating towards the bottom. It looks like something thready and undesirable but it contains the powerful enzymes that you’ll need for optimum results. Long-term use is not recommended as the acidic properties may cause skin irritation.
Bad Foot Odor
It starts with sweat, add a little bacterium and before you know it there’s a very common and often times embarrassing odor problem you’ve got to deal with.
Step #1: Causes of Foot Odor and Treatment
Look at your lifestyle and daily routine. If you’re wearing the same shoes everyday and especially for long periods of time, the possibility of bacteria related to foot odor will definitely be increased. Also, hormone changes and poor hygiene routines should be considered.
- Bacteria has a very hard time enduring the acidic environment created by the apple cider vinegar-the bonus comes with the wonderful soothing effect of the Epsom Salt.
- Additional causes of foot odor are over secreting sweat glands, stress, anxiety and certain types of medication. However, regardless of the cause, your apple cider vinegar foot bath should help tremendously.
Step #2: Mixing up your ACV Recipe
- 4 cups of apple cider vinegar should be added as the first ingredient to your foot bath
- 1 1/2 cups of baking soda dissolved in 4 cups of warm or hot water
A very clean foot spa or basin is really important to start with. Get it as clean as you possibly can. Use soap and a very hot water rinse. Only soak your feet for 10 minutes and towel dry thoroughly.
Athlete’s Foot
How does apple cider vinegar help eliminate athlete’s foot? The anti-fungal properties relieve the itching and flaking which will reduce the inflammation and pain. The most wonderful result is the apple cider vinegar will actually kill the fungus and prevent it from returning.
Step #1: Identifying the source of your pain
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection. It is also known as tinea pedis; a form of ringworm causing itching, redness and scaling.
- Check for an itchy, reddish rash between the toes
- Check the soles of your feet and between your toes for small, red blisters
- Chronic dryness and scaling on the soles of your feet and towards the sides of your foot
- Ulcerations leaking fluid that smell bad, red in color
Step #2: Causes of Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s Foot, ringworm and jock itch begin in warm, damp socks and wet shoes where it grows and spreads incredibly fast.
- It is extremely contagious; therefore, it can spread by wearing other people’s socks, shoes.
- Remember to wash your hands after touching your feet as a simple handshake can spread athlete’s foot.
Step #3: The Best Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe for Athlete’s Foot
Remember to completely dry your feet with a clean towel. You’ll want to wash the towel before using it again. When finished a cold-water rinse is fine.
- 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
- 4-8 cups of warm or hot water
- Fill your foot spa or basin with 4-8 cups of warm water. Add ½ cup of apple cider vinegar. Submerge both feet and move around slowly. Soak for 15 minutes twice daily. Remember to completely dry your feet with a clean towel. You’ll want to wash the towel before using it again. When finished a cold-water rinse is fine.
Always check for ulcerations and open sores before using an Apple Cider Vinegar foot bath. The vinegar could sting and cause pain upon contact. If your condition does not improve after 2-4 weeks of treatment please consult your physician.
Tips for Using Apple or White Vinegar
In some instances it is not always necessary to use Apple Cider Vinegar. When you don’t need the “mothers” enzymes, white vinegar will do just fine. This is exactly why knowledge is power. You can take a simple bottle of ordinary vinegar and not only improve your present health but lovingly administer it to your pets! That’s right. Your precious little friend’s journey through life could be considerably easier with a small amount of know-how from you.
Step #1: Always check with your vet. Vinegar works because it has acidic properties. Too much and/or too often will do more harm than good.
- If you or someone you know is an animal lover; you’re in for a wealth of information. Cats, dogs, parrots, rabbits, horses and even chickens will benefit in some way from your knowledge of vinegar uses.
- Rabbit’s, chickens and cats benefit from vinegar if you use it to clean their litter boxes and/or water bowls. Use it to remove dried urine as well, you’ll be doing them and yourself a service by making it part of your cleaning routine.
- Dogs get a great rinse off after a medicated shampoo bath when you mix 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. Follow up with a regular rinse and you’re done.
- When summer comes, you’ll be glad to know that vinegar reduces swelling after an insect sting.
- If your birdcage is made with galvanized hardware cloth, it could lead to zinc poisoning for your parrot or other feathered friend. Wiping the entire cage with vinegar could help keep them safe and sound.
- Horses with White Line Disease (a fungus that attacks the hoof) can benefit from 1/2 cup vinegar (white) added to 8 cups water. To that mixture add 1 cup copper sulfate. Each hoof should soak in solution for 15 minutes 5 times per week until the fungus clears.
Recommendations: In many homes, farms and kennels there are more than one pet to care for. Please consider a diary of sorts to track your treatments and progress. You know if you have to call a vet, a record of your treatments will prove invaluable. Pictures will also come in handy and become helpful in the event another animal has the same symptoms.
Other Powerful Ingredients to Add to Your Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium. What great news that is to someone suffering from certain health problems and looking for non-prescription relief. Of course one would expect to add an additional ingredient or two along the way to enhance the benefits and make an effective treatment.
Step #1: In the world of home remedies, these are easy and make sense. Get the recipes here:
- Mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and a single teaspoon of honey in 8 oz. warm water to relieve leg cramps at night.
- Feeling exhausted? 1-2 tablespoons or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of your favorite veggie drink or glass of water will most likely give you an energy boost.
- Mixing one or two tablespoons in a glass of water, or clear juice such as apple juice will help relieve stomach spasms.
Step #2: Take the steps necessary to always have white and apple cider vinegar on hand. The health benefits range from soothing a sore throat to curing hiccups-now who wouldn’t want that? More tips to follow, keep them handy.
- Since most germs cannot survive the acidic environment created by vinegar. Simply mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup warm water and gargle frequently when you have a sore throat.
- Concerns always arise around the levels of cholesterol in the blood. There are no guarantees that apple cider or any other type of vinegar reduces cholesterol but it has been studied at length. The interesting news is that one study in Japan did find lower cholesterol levels in the participants of that panel.
Recommendations: Once you start researching the different types of vinegars you’ll be amazed at the variety of opportunities to apply them. We’ve barely touched the surface here but the information is easy to find and understandable. The thing to keep in mind is this: home-remedies are a starting place. If after 2-4 weeks of responsible treatment the symptoms persist or get worse, please consult a doctor or veterinarian.
Conclusion: It is absolutely undeniable that the astounding results produced by both white and apple cider vinegar are extremely encouraging. In a world where home-remedies are easily accessible and thoughtfully researched, it is the right time to take advantage of something as effective and affordable as vinegar. For humans and animals alike, there seems to be a benefit to be realized with the responsible use of white and apple cider vinegar so, keep reading, keep investigating and learn all you can about this wonderful product.