Fit Crunch Bar Review

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When you think of whey protein, you probably automatically picture a bodybuilder, runner, or athlete. That’s because it is very common for active people to use it. Whey protein is a great tool to help you lose your unhealthy weight and gain lean muscle mass. For most people, this is desirable.

The problem with protein is that it’s difficult to achieve a satisfying taste and texture to go with all of the nutrients. Fit Crunch has taken the game to a whole new level with their layered baked bars. Packed into those layers is not only a punch of flavor in every bite but also thirty grams of protein and only six grams of sugar.

Fit Crunch bars are available worldwide, both in stores and online. It’s not just athletes and gym rats who enjoy these protein bars. People who work long hours, people who get tired in the middle of the day, people who want to snack healthier, etc can reap the rewards that protein bars provide.

There are six flavors available. They are Caramel Peanut, Birthday Cake, Cookies n Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter, and Peanut Butter and Jelly. If you don’t want to commit to one flavor you can choose a variety pack.

Editor's Pros & Cons

High in whey protein

Low sugar



Build muscle


Pricey comparatively

Taste isn’t for everyone


Robert Irvine, a famous chef, launched his Fit Crunch baked bars in September of 2013. He did so at Las Vegas’ Mr. Olympia Exposition. Fit Crunch bars were created because Robert was committed to figuring out a way to offer a product that is good for your body without having to sacrifice on the taste. Because of his dedication, hard work, and creative mind, he did find a way to give you food that’s good for you and tastes good at the same time.

Something that started out with an idea for protein bars has turned into a company that offers snack sized bars, brownies that are microwaveable, protein powders, and other products. The Fit Crunch Whey Protein Baked Bars that Irvine released in 2013 are award-winning. They provide an amazing taste as you’d expect from a celebrity chef.

In December of 2016, microwavable brownies his the market with fifteen grams of protein and just five grams of sugar. And in September of 2017, Irvine released the Whey Protein Powder in the flavors chocolate deluxe, vanilla milkshake, cinnamon twist, peanut butter, strawberry, and coffee.

Whey Protein

Where does whey protein come from? Milk has two kinds of proteins in it: whey and casein. You can separate the two proteins. The whey protein is classified as a “complete protein” because it has the nine amino acids your body wants. Whey protein also has a lower concentration of lactose. Consuming whey protein has the potential to do great things for your body when consumed properly and in moderation and combined with exercise and a balanced diet.

Whey protein can aid you in your weight loss efforts. The whey helps you lose body fat and preserve your lean muscle mass. The little research that has been done related to whey helping with cancer symptoms have been promising, but more research is needed to come to a conclusion. We do know, for sure, that whey helps to lower your cholesterol and improve children’s immune responses with asthma. When you consume products with whey protein, you can also reduce your blood pressure and lower your risk of stroke or heart disease.

If you are allergic to milk, you could also, or specifically, be allergic to whey. Usually, in moderation, whey protein doesn’t cause any negative effects. However, if you consume too much, you could end up with cramps, stomach pain, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, and even acne.

Build Muscle

There’s a reason that bodybuilders, athletes, and people trying to lose weight flock to products with protein in them. Especially those with whey protein. Whey protein contains the entire spectrum of amino acids essential to your body. These are quickly absorbed by your body.

There are many studies that have been performed which show results reflecting that whey protein can help your body get rid of unwanted fat, increase your strength, and help you gain lean muscle mass.

There a few ways that whey protein helps you gain strength/muscle. The amino acids that it provides services as the building block your muscle will grow on. It increases the rate at which your body releases anabolic hormones. This will stimulate your muscles to grow. Leucine (one of the amino acids) stimulates your protein synthesis in your muscles. Whey protein is also quickly absorbed and used compared to other proteins.

It has also been tested and shown to be effective at increasing a persons’ muscle growth, especially directly before, during, or after a workout. Your muscle protein synthesis maxes out in the time frame following your workout.


There are so many diets out there today that it’s hard to keep track of them. One of the most common at this time is the keto diet. Everyone is worried about staying in ketosis now. Well, these bars are keto-friendly, to an extent. You need to eat them in moderation, or they will end up throwing your body out of ketosis.

Whether you’re on a special diet or not, remember that protein bars (and other protein products) are meant to be used intermittently, not on a regular basis. Therefore, you won’t want to integrate them into your regular routine. They are very convenient to have around when you’re on the move, working out, recovering from exercise, or even traveling. Just be sure to not eat so many that it becomes unhealthy.

If you are on the keto diet, and you’re new to it, you want to consume twenty or fewer grams of carbs a day. If you are used to the diet, you want to consume more grams of carbs, but still less than fifty a day. If you are on the keto diet, and your daily limit has room for a Fit Crunch bar now and then, why not let yourself enjoy one?


Not too long ago, gluten wasn’t a common term. The only people who even paid attention to it were those who discovered they were intolerant or had an allergy to it. Nowadays, though, everyone believes that they need a gluten-free diet. Most of these people have been misled or are mistaken. In fact, only one percent of the population is actually intolerant or sensitive to gluten products. If you are part of that one percent, these bars are safe for you.

If you’re not a person who requires a gluten-free diet, you can still enjoy the rewards you get from eating less, or even no, gluten. When you adopt this kind of diet, your cholesterol levels begin to improve. If you have a buildup of bad cholesterol in your body, you are more susceptible to heart disease and strokes. It is important to have good cholesterol in your body.

You’ll notice an improvement in your digestive health, increase your energy and endurance, and be more motivated to get rid of processed foods and other unhealthy foods. Fruits and vegetables will become more of a staple in your home because they are gluten-free, easily prepared, and convenient to snack on. You will reduce your risk of diabetes and certain cancers, as well as building up your defenses against germs and viruses due to your increase intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Weight Loss

Besides muscle gains, weight loss is another major reason people turn to whey protein. Studies have shown that whey protein can help you lose your body fat. It is the macronutrient with the most satiating ability.

When you consume protein, it can boost your ability to expend energy by up to eighty and even one hundred calories a day. In other words, it boosts your metabolism. It can also suppress your appetite to the point that you consume up to four hundred and forty fewer calories throughout the day.

If you preserve twenty-five percent of your daily calorie intake for protein, you will see your cravings decrease by as much as sixty percent and you’ll be twice as likely to keep away from mid-day snacking.

When you replace your typical sources for calories and ingest whey protein instead, you can lose as much as eight pounds in fat while increasing your lean muscle mass. This is, of course, when paired with daily workouts and a balanced diet. There are scales on the market that can help you accurately track your body fat and muscle mass.

Ingredients/Nutrition Facts

Each bar contains one hundred and ninety calories, seventy-two being from fat. There are eight grams of fat, four of saturated fat. There are ten milligrams of cholesterol and fifty milligrams of potassium. They contain fourteen grams of carbohydrates, one gram of dietary fiber, three grams of sugar, and sixteen grams of protein. Based on a two thousand calorie diet, each bar gives you four percent of your daily intake of Vitamin A, two percent of Vitamin C, four percent of calcium, and four percent of Iron.

The ingredients in each bar include a whey protein blend, soy protein isolate, vegetable glycerin, peanuts, vegetable oil, sorbitol, sugar, palm oil, gelatin, maltitol, brown rice flour, and water.

There is two percent, or less, of corn syrup, salt, cocoa, monoglycerides, sunflower oil, maltodextrin, dextrose, vanilla, caramel color, propylene glycol, sodium caseinate, natural flavors, soy lecithin, sucralose, tapioca starch, acetylated monoglycerides, natural tocopherols, mono and diglycerides, vitamin a palmitate, beta-carotene, whey, citric acid, sorbate, potassium, almonds, silicon dioxide, and baking soda.


When it comes to flavor, most protein and/or healthy snack bars on the market are known to have either no taste or a horrible taste. Usually, when you eat a protein bar you expect a chalky taste with the texture of cardboard and so stiff they’re hard to bite into. They typically leave your mouth so dry that you find yourself desperately searching for something to drink. Not with Fit Crunch, though. These bars deliver on taste and texture.

There are six delicious flavors to choose from. They are Caramel Peanut, Birthday Cake, Cookies n Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter, and Peanut Butter and Jelly. If you don’t want to commit to one flavor you can always choose a variety pack.

When you bite into a Birthday Cake bar, you’ll feel like you’re sitting around your kitchen table with your family and friends in celebration. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough will satisfy your sweet tooth and make you feel like you’re eating dough right out of the container. You can cave to your cookie craving with the Cookies n Cream flavor, without worrying about feeling gross afterward.

Bottom Line

When it comes to products that contain a large amount of protein, it’s so hard to find something that you’re able to chew and swallow without scrunching your face up or dealing with a horrible after taste. Chef Robert Irvine wasn’t blind to this problem, and he wanted to come up with a solution. So he did.

With the Fit Crunch whey protein bars, you can enjoy six layers of decadent flavor packed with protein and low on sugar. You can utilize these bars if you’re a busy mom, someone who power walks, an athlete, a gym rat, someone who wants to gain muscle or someone who wants to lose weight. Really, anyone can benefit from adding protein to their diet. Protein will allow you to have a higher metabolism, helping you to burn your calories quicker and build your muscle quicker.

The Fit Crunch bars may come at a minimally higher price, but they are worth a shot to find the perfect balance of flavor and nutrients for you. With so much to gain, it’s hard to imagine there’s much to lose.